




  愿景Our Vision




      A Leading Education Center for Tourism and Leisure Management


 使命Our Mission




      We dedicate ourselves to students life long happiness and sustainable development of our society




      We dedicate ourselves to educating internationalized. creative, entrepreneurial and socially responsible leaders for the tourism industry.




      We dedicate ourselves to leading the development of the fast changing tourism industry through knowledge creation and application.


人才培养目标Educational objective




      To transform our students to be both business and educational leaders in the international tourism industry.


项目特点Program Design


      .本项目是中奥合作教育 (4+03+1)


      Four years double-degree programme based in China and Austria.




Students are expected to earn two bachelor degrees from China and Austria





The first year (foundation period) focuses on English skills training. which aims for helping students to obtained an IELTS score of 5.5 or above by the end of the 3rd semester,




Students will also study some courses required by the Chinese Ministry of Higher Education in order to earn the bachelor degree issued by Hainan Tropical Ocean University.




      The flowing three years of study are conducted according to Austrian standards. All courses will be taught in English, using international materials, and all the professions are credited by IMC.



Students who complete all the required credits, finish two dissertations (one in Chinese, the other in English) and successfully pass the graduation exams organized by IMC will gain the EU credited Tourism and Leisure Management degree issued by IMC, a well as the graduation certificate and Tourism Management degree issued by Hainan Tropical Ocean University

     ■软技能培养 Soft Skills


      ●具体技能包括 自学能力、批判性思维、独立思考、创新思维、情商、掌握一到两门外语能力、沟通能力、跨文化交流能力、经济学原理、工商管理基础知识、领导力、团队合作、科学调查和分析能力、执行能力等软能力。


      Students will develop soft sills as follow: self-learning, critical thinking, independent thinking, creative thinking, EQ, foreign languages, communication skills, cross-cultural skills, economics principles, business and management principles, leadership skills, team work skills, scientific research and analytical skills.



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